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  • FREE Coping Skills Development Group

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    Have you ever felt lost for what to do in a stressful situation? Are you overwhelmed by the symptoms of your mental illness? Are you curious about methods you can use to help? Restored Behavioral Health Services is offering a free coping skills group to teach you how to healthily cope with stress and your mental health symptoms. 


    This group is for informational purposes only. We will not diagnose or provide mental health treatment for you or your child. You or your child must already have a mental health diagnosis from a licensed mental health professional. This group will provide you with the skills you need to cope with stress and/or symptoms of your mental illness.

     Outcomes Expected:

    • Participants will be able to identify the differences between healthy and unhealthy coping skills.

    • Group participants will leave with a knowledge of various healthy coping skills for their mental health toolbox. 

    • Participants will be motivated to practice and apply coping skills in their daily lives. 


    When?  Every other Friday at 7:00pm

    Where? Via Zoom platform (Zoom link to be sent after registration)

    To register: Email us at [email protected]